Barford Cricket Club

Barford Cricket Club

A friendly cricket club based in Warwickshire

Archive for the ‘social’ Category

Disastrous Drops and Fielding Flops

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At this year’s Annual Dinner, Barford’s answer to the Cohen brothers (or perhaps the Chuckle Brothers depending on your point of view), Simon Drage and Ben Griffin re-enacted some of the key fielding moments from this years campaign. Although the production qualities are perhaps not up to the most exacting standards, Simon evidently poured his heart and soul into the acting and has certainly managed to fully inhabit the characters he was playing.

Given the vast range of actual cock-ups that they could have chosen, it was nothing short of miraculous that they managed to short list only 6 entries in each of the two categories: Disastrous Drops and Fielding Flops.

Disastrous Drops

Fielding Flops


2015 Annual Dinner Report

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40 odd of Barford’s finest (and a few hangers on) attended the Annual Dinner at Merchants in Warwick, hosted by our fun-loving Social Secretary and Captain. The meal was up to their usual high standards and was enjoyed (I think!) by all. Interspersed with the courses were a selection of prizes, and speeches from the Captain reflecting on the season past, and the Chairman on the career of Pete Romyn who has metaphorically hung up his boots – if the chairman manages to supply a publishable version of his B C C Chairman’s poem 2015 then it can be shared with the wider world.

This year’s video production by DGM (Drage Griffin Masterworks) was a stunning reconstruction of the entries in the Worst Drop and Fielding Flop prize categories, and included some memorable impersonations (especially of the Vice-Chairman). Hopefully these can also be made available at a later date!

Many thanks to everyone involved in organising such a fantastic event, and especially to Simon Drage and Ben Griffin for their unique hosting. The prize-winners on the night were as follows:

Award Recipient
Clubman of the Year Simon Morgan
Batsman of the Year Jake Farquhar
Bowler of the Year Simon Hawkins
Fielder of the Year Simon Drage
Most Catches Simon Drage
Champagne Moment Ben Griffin
Champagne Disaster Simon Morgan
Midweek MOM Paul Johnstone
Midweek TFC Ben Griffin
Most Ducks James Kavanagh
Worst Drop Sandy Peirson
Fielding Flop Phil Morris
Best Tea Will Perry and Shawn Harrison
Best Scorer Layla Staveley
Best Retirement Pete Romyn


Dates for your diary

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Now the season is done and dusted (I’m sure the statistics will be appearing in due course!), it’s time to turn your attention to the organisational and social side of the club.

First up is the AGM on Wednesday 21st October which sets the tone and lays out the plans for the future of the club. As you can see from the post from the (current) Secretary there will be some changes to the committee for next year and we’re looking for some more members to get involved with helping to run things. If you can help in any way please let Simon Hawkins know as soon as possible.

Next is the annual celebration of the Annual Dinner where we celebrate(?) the achievements of the year, the captain doles out prizes to worthy(?) recipients and we all eat and drink too much! The only difference this year is that we are avoiding the Warwick Mop so you may be able to park within staggering distance. Please let Simon International know how many of you are coming and your menu choices for the evening to make sure that you avoid disappointment…

Six of the best

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Snitterfield Six-a-Side Tournament

By popular demand, Barford CC and Snitterfield CC will jointly be hosting the inaugural Snitterfield Six-a-Side cricket tournament on Saturday July 18th, at our home ground in Snitterfield.

The tournament will be run as a fun event rather than a competition for serious cricketers, so why not dust off your old bat, get a few friends together, and rediscover your inner Flintoff.

Each team will play at least 2 games, with the winners competing in the final for a prestigious trophy. It’s a bit like Karate Kid, only with cricket.

The entry fee is £30 per team – Numbers are strictly limited so to enter a team or to find out more, please contact

Throughout the day we will be offering:

  • A fully stocked bar
  • Barbecue
  • Tea and Cakes
  • Match commentary, jingles and insults from the legendary Simon International
  • Dancing girls
  • There won’t be dancing girls

Meanwhile, why not take a trip down memory (or more precisely Hareway) Lane for some footage of the last tournament held inn 2006.

2015 Pre-season Party

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Following hot on the heels of the recently successful Quiz Night (for which many thanks are due to Simon D – although that disputed picture of Jon Snow was definitely David Attenborough!) comes the promise of the Pre-season party. In a throwback to the glory days of yesteryear, this year’s extravaganza will be held chez Chairman – which should hopefully put a few more bums on seats.

Further details will no doubt be forthcoming in the near future from the Social Secretary, but in the mean time put a great big “HOLD” in your calendar for Sunday 12th April…

Post party update from the Social Secretary:

“Firstly on behalf of everybody connected with Barford CC, I would like to
thank Sandy and Mary for hosting our get together earlier today. It was
a lovely afternoon enjoyed by everyone and greatly appreciated.

Thanks to those who supplied the food. The Lasagne’s, chilli and curry
were all top draw and it was difficult to pick a winner. As were the dessert’s
and although I thought I had nailed it with my Victoria cream sponge, I
have to say that I was blown out of the water when Maria Morgan turned
up with her Barford cricket ball cake which was truly amazing both to
look at and taste.

Finally I would like to thank everyone who turned up and helped make the
day so enjoyable especially the new guy’s Stuart and Mark, it was a pleasure
to have you both there. All that is left to say now is that I look forward to
seeing everyone again on the battlefield in the not too distant future and
hope you all have a great season. Good luck.”

Bake Off Winner

Bake Off Winner

2015 Quiz Night

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Join us for a night of cryptic quizzing at Barford Village Hall (7:00pm start) on Saturday 14th March. The cost is £8 a head for a two-course meal. It’s (apparently) the most fun that you can have without fear of a hernia…

To enter a team (of ideally 4 people) please contact Simon Drage on 07851 122333 or

2014 Annual Dinner Report

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Once again the annual dinner at Merchants in Warwick drew a good crowd of players, WAGs and associated hangers-on to celebrate another successful season. After sitting down to an excellent dinner, the real business of the evening got underway with the usual smorgasbord of speeches and performances (in the loosest sense of the word). Unfortunately the Skype link that the technical team had rigged to the Barford outpost of St Helena was down so the Lambinator was sadly missed.

Nevertheless the Skipper’s speech managed to introduce a couple of new twists with the production of the Barford Calendar which was presented to Shaun as he moves to Bristol to conquer the world of retail (NSFW high resolution photos here) :


2014 Barford Calendar

In addition, the crowd were introduced to the “Barford Hairs” the next boy band off the block, fortunately too late for this year’s X-Factor (photos here):

Boy Band

The Barford Hairs

Reviewing one of our most successful seasons, the skipper modestly neglected to mention the main reason for our success – namely his imperious form with both bat and ball which ensured to topped the averages by some margin. And all this despite, or perhaps because of, the birth of a baby daughter! The runner’s up prizes were distributed as follows:

Batting: Paul Johnstone (Simon D’s go-to batsman)
Bowling: Simon Hawkins (Simon D’s go-to bowler)
Fielding: Will Perry (Simon D’s go-to fielder)
Clubman: Simon Drage (top cheerleading)
Champagne Moment: Simon Morgan and Will Perry’s club record 6th wicket partnership against Snitterfield
Catch of the Season: Shaun Harrison (a bit like this, only better, apparently)
Most ducks: Simon Hawkins (in the absence of John Lambdon who absconded to St Helens to avoid receiving it for two years on the bounce)

Following the prizes, the chairman took the floor with an updated version of Bobby Shafto followed by the Treasurer who’d been sharpening his rapier wit… In recognition of his exceptional achievements on the field, the Social Secretary presented the Skipper was presented with a suitably ginormous trophy!

Further pictures of the evening’s entertainment from the paparazzi are available here

Thanks to Simon International and Ben for organising and hosting the evening’s extravangaza and roll on the rest of the off-season…

2014 Annual Dinner

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From the one and only International:

After finally sorting everything with the people at Merchants I am pleased to say that here is the menu. It will again be priced at £25.00 per person ( Bargain ).

All I need you to do now is have a look through it, decide what you want and then let me know. Please encourage wives, partner’s, girlfriend’s, mistresses, friends and family to come along, the more the merrier.

Friday 17th of October, 7.00pm at Merchants Wine Bar, Warwick.


  • SOUP Fresh and seasonal, served with fresh granary bread (v vv g*)
  • MUSHROOMS Button pan fried in garlic butter with granary soldiers & green leaf (v g*)
  • FISHCAKES Smoked Scottish salmon & haddock with cured cucumber & radish salad
  • PATE Smooth chicken liver & courvoiser leaf salad, caramelised red onion marmalade & toast (g*)
  • MAINS:

  • VEGETARIAN BANGERS With creamy mash & vegetarian caramelised onion gravy (v)
  • GNOCCHI Spinach & ricotta dumplings with red onion, parmesan shavings & a creamy pesto sauce (v)
  • STEAK HACHE Minced sirloin steak, Warwickshire bacon & extra mature Gloucester cheddar in a ciabatta bun served with hand cut chips rocket & roast baby vine tomatoes
  • SALMON 8oz grilled fillet, crushed new potatoes & leeks, cured cucumber & fresh parsley sauce (g)
  • CHICKEN Cotswold free range pan fried breast with chorizo & roasted pepper risotto (g)

  • STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING With clotted cream, toffee sauce & vanilla pod ice cream (v)
  • CREME BRULEE Vanilla burnt cream with raspberry relish & a Viennese biscuit (v g*)
  • ETON MESS Fresh strawberries & cracked meringue with strawberry sauce & fresh whipped cotswold double cream (v)
  • BANOFFEE PIE Fresh bananas on a biscuit base, toffee sauce & smothered in fresh whipped cream (v)
  • CHEESE BOARD Regional British cheese selection with all the usual accompaniments (v g*) – ADD £1.50

  • Cornish grown Tregothnan tea or freshly ground coffee
  • v = Vegetarian. vv = Vegan. g = Gluten free. g* = Gluten free if you ask.

    All you have to do now is choose one starter, one main and one dessert per person and let me know. If you have any special dietary needs or requirements please let me know. If you have any questions or require more info then please get in touch. Failing that I look forward to receiving your dinner orders as soon as possible.


    Simon International.

    Snitterfield Six-a-Side Tournament

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    By popular demand, Barford CC and Snitterfield CC will jointly be hosting the inaugural Snitterfield Six-a-Side cricket tournament on Saturday July 19th, at our home ground in Snitterfield.

    The tournament will be run as a fun event rather than a competition for serious cricketers, so why not dust off your old bat, get a few friends together, and rediscover your inner Flintoff.

    Each team will play at least 2 games, with the winners competing in the final for a prestigious trophy. It’s a bit like Karate Kid, only with cricket.

    The entry fee is £30 per team – Numbers are strictly limited so to enter a team or to find out more, please contact

    Throughout the day we will be offering:

    • A fully stocked bar
    • Barbecue
    • Tea and Cakes
    • Match commentary, jingles and insults from the legendary Simon International
    • Dancing girls
    • There won’t be dancing girls

    Meanwhile, why not take a trip down memory (or more precisely Hareway) Lane for some footage of the last tournament held inn 2006.

    2014 Pre-season Party

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    Well, doesn’t time fly? We’ve only just recovered from the winter deluge and polished off the last of the Christmas cake and it’s time to start playing cricket again. Personally I think you’d be wise to take the lead of some our elder statesmen who wouldn’t dream of being seen in whites, let alone playing cricket, before the asparagus season is over…

    Anyway back to business, and in the words of our inimitable Social Secretary:

    “We now move on to our pre season get together. This will again take place at the Snitterfield club on Sunday the 13th of April, 12 until 4pm.

    This is your opportunity to come along and have a beer a bite to eat and a chat with your team mates new and old before the season starts the following week (hooray). Wives, partners, girlfriends and children are most welcome to attend. The more the merrier…

    Don’t forget your cash or cheque book’s though as Phil Morris will be on the prowl looking to collect your annual subscription fees if you have not already paid them.

    Your first match secretary of the season, Paul Johnstone will also be there looking for some kind of bribe in the form of money or alcoholic beverage. This is if you wish to be considered for the first game of the season, ha ha.

    Finally, I am on the lookout for a few volunteer’s to bring some food along. This can be in the form of any kind of main or dessert, hot or cold. If there is anyone out there who could help out by providing something to eat, please drop me a line back.

    Hopefully there will be as many of you there as possible.”

    Any and all offers of help will be gratefully received – as for the 4pm curfew, that is highly dependent on whether the Chairman has finished his traditional opening day frame of snooker…

    ©2025 Barford Cricket Club :-)