Well, doesn’t time fly? We’ve only just recovered from the winter deluge and polished off the last of the Christmas cake and it’s time to start playing cricket again. Personally I think you’d be wise to take the lead of some our elder statesmen who wouldn’t dream of being seen in whites, let alone playing cricket, before the asparagus season is over…
Anyway back to business, and in the words of our inimitable Social Secretary:
“We now move on to our pre season get together. This will again take place at the Snitterfield club on Sunday the 13th of April, 12 until 4pm.
This is your opportunity to come along and have a beer a bite to eat and a chat with your team mates new and old before the season starts the following week (hooray). Wives, partners, girlfriends and children are most welcome to attend. The more the merrier…
Don’t forget your cash or cheque book’s though as Phil Morris will be on the prowl looking to collect your annual subscription fees if you have not already paid them.
Your first match secretary of the season, Paul Johnstone will also be there looking for some kind of bribe in the form of money or alcoholic beverage. This is if you wish to be considered for the first game of the season, ha ha.
Finally, I am on the lookout for a few volunteer’s to bring some food along. This can be in the form of any kind of main or dessert, hot or cold. If there is anyone out there who could help out by providing something to eat, please drop me a line back.
Hopefully there will be as many of you there as possible.”
Any and all offers of help will be gratefully received – as for the 4pm curfew, that is highly dependent on whether the Chairman has finished his traditional opening day frame of snooker…