Barford Cricket Club

Barford Cricket Club

A friendly cricket club based in Warwickshire

Statistics Archive


The mantle of club statistician has recently passed from the redoubtable hands of Peter Romyn to Richard Johnson. The 2004 figures are his first “magnum opus”, and if nothing else prove that the books are in safe hands and will continue to provide the necessary grist to the mill of post-match inquests.

Although some scorebooks have been lost over time, to the undoubted chagrin of some of the more elderly members, the figures presented here are the result of the painstaking researches of the present and previous number-crunchers. However, you are reminded of the thoughts of Mark Twain on the subject of statistics, and advised to take them with the appropriately large dose of sodium chloride.

In 2005 we plunged into the Midweek League, and so the number of statistics has increased alarmingly (Sunday, Midweek and Combined). Accordingly, we’ve added a Records page to highlight Midweek League record performances, whilst the Cumulative page includes the Combined figures from this year.

In the meantime, here is a view of the rollercoaster ride that is Barford Cricket club over the last 30 years or so…

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