Barford Cricket Club

Barford Cricket Club

A friendly cricket club based in Warwickshire

2015 – Oakham


STOP PRESS – Match reports have finally been posted (thanks to the match captains):

Wakerley & Barrowden

Disappointingly there are no tour virgins to be sacrificed this year, but the venerable Pete Romyn has packed his golf clubs away (at least for a weekend) and stormed back from his self-imposed exile to lead the team on Sunday. Current and previous social secretaries are in charge for the other fixtures which definitely reflects the focus of our tour!

The Tourmeister has been busy with his sorting hat and sent the following missive:

I don’t for one minute imagine these will be the teams that take the field as this doesn’t allow for injury, illness or unavoidable cause.
Due to reduced numbers and people only staying one night we have had to take drastic measures (Erdsy and I miss out on our Sunday afternoon session) so here goes.


I’m sorry to report that too many 1980’s Friday nights in the back of a Morris Marina in the car parks of Doncaster nightclubs have finally taken their toll on Erdsy’s back and he has retired from all forms of cricket (even turning down a lucrative IPL contract). I’m happy to say that he will still be coming on tour as a specialist coach.

Because of this I’d like to thank Richard Jones and Captain Morgan for increasing their workloads on Saturday and Sunday respectively. Teams are now as follows:

Friday night vs. Uppingham
Simon Drage (Captain)
Captain Morgan
Phil Morris
Andy Hawkins
Pete Romyn
Paul Henderson
Tim Jolly
Sandy Peirson
Simon Hawkins
Tony Timms
Chris O’Reilly

Saturday vs. Empingham
Paul Henderson (Captain)
Simon Morgan
Andy Hawkins
Ben Griffin
Erdsy Richard Jones
Paul Johnstone
Mike Ireland
Tony Timms
Andrew Sherratt
TV’s Pete Fisher
Chris O’Reilly

Sunday vs. Wakerley & Barrowden
Pete Romyn (Captain)
Ben Griffin
Andrew Sherratt
Tim Jolly
Paul Johnstone
Mike Ireland
Sandy Peirson
Simon Hawkins
Pete Fisher off the telly
Erdsy Simon Morgan
Richard Jones

Volunteers to play in all three matches to cover changes will not be discouraged…

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