Barford Cricket Club

Barford Cricket Club

A friendly cricket club based in Warwickshire

2016 Tour Report

Once again, the cricketing gods shone (or at least didn’t chuck it down) on Barford as the touring circus pulled into Oakham again. Huge respect and thanks to Mike Ireland for organising another excellent tour with close and competitive games played in the right spirit with a liberal dose of performance-enchaning(?) real ale on top. Even playing 3 games or tour for the first time didn’t seem to quell the Tourmeister’s appetite for an early morning “paper” at the Grainstore Brewery…

Thanks also to Layla for scoring (and keeping Jake in check), Pete for umpiring and sharing his golfing wisdom liberally around and cheerleader Simon International for turning up literally on one leg and spending a small fortune on a dress (apparently a replacement for the duck suit in Ben’s loft, but who am I to judge…) that no-one seemed to want to wear (Hawk and Mushie already fined for next year).

No doubt the respective captains are scribing their witty and incisive match reports as I write, providing they can remember what on earth happened. Sadly it’s probably not worth asking these two jokers who missed the majority of Saturday’s run-fest at Empingham…

Tired & Emotional

Tired & Emotional

Match reports have started dribbling in – thanks for Sandy for kicking them off here and (publishable) photos are here

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